


Oracle VM VirtualBox

Welcome to VirtualBox.org! News Flash Important August 3rd, 2020We're hiring! Looking for a new challenge? We're hiring a VirtualBox senior developer (Germany/Europe/USA). New September 4th, 2020VirtualBox 6.1.14 released! Oracle today released a 6.1 maint


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가상화 설정 필 -> 안되어 있으면 bios에서 설정하기

amd일경우 svm mode를 enabled로


id: root, pw: toor



apt-get install -y fonts-nanum

fc-cache -f -v

settings -> region&language -> 한국어 설정


<한글입력기 설정>

apt-get install -y nabi

apt-get install -y im-config


hangul옵션 선택


스냅샷 찍기


'공부일지 > 정보보안' 카테고리의 다른 글

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